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life // how to never be late

I'm notorious among my friends for being at least fifteen minutes early to everything- a reputation I don't mind having. Here, I'll share some tips with you so you never have to be "that guy" who's always late.

1 // Think ahead

This doesn't mean you have to necessarily plan your entire journey, but if you're going to an unfamiliar location it never hurts to search the travel time and and start planning what to pack the night before.

2 // Lists

My love for lists is no secret (my incredible personalized planner is coming soon) and I'm a firm believer that they can help make your life better as a whole. I maintain lists of what to pack whenever I go to the gym, school, performances, etc. (I keep these on one of my favorite apps for lists- Evernote). If you know you'll need specific items, leave a list written on a notepad somewhere you know you'll notice it in the morning. A lists of everything to pack will prevent you from running out of the house and having to return when you realize you accidentally forget anything.

3 // Leave half an hour earlier than the time it takes you to get to any specific place

Check the travel time online so you know approximately how long it takes you to get somewhere. Then add 30 minutes to that. This allows room for getting lost, traffic, train problems, etc.

4 // Start getting ready 30 minutes before you were planning to leave

Get everything in your bag, make sure your phone is charged, and put your shoes on. If you do this 30 minutes ahead of time, this prevents you from wrangling everything up two minutes before you leave and ending up running late.

5 // Leave fifteen minutes before you actually want to

This is completely optional but I truly believe it's better to be fifteen minutes early than fifteen minutes late.

This may seem like a bit of an over-load but this list of tips comes from a girl who was late for school about twice last year and those were purely do to subway issues. But always remember that life happens and every one arrives late at some points in their lives, so don't get discouraged!

stay healthy and beautiful,



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